"Form Plays"

"The Organ Grinder", Written by Ursula Moray Williams, Produced by Mrs E.P.Colsell

"Robin Hood", Written by Freda Collins, Produced by Mr J.T.W.Findley

"The Hat Trick", Written by A.E.M.Bayliss, Produced by Dr A.Jackson

"Shivering Shocks", Written by Clemence Dane, produced by Mr H.H.Wintersgill

"Apology Accepted", Written by A.E.M.Bayliss, Produced by Mr R.V.S.Ward

"L'Imposteur", Written by Simonne S.Manson, Produced by Mr Bratt

"Mrs. Adis", Written by Sheila Kaye-Smith, Produced by Dr A.Jackson

Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th December 1943

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